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I'm finally trying to blend into Solo RPG Stuff and decided to start with yr game and boy that is really cool. Personally, I tend to write smaller-than average letters so at the end of the run the sheet looked... empty. So I decided to just write in another hero and continue from the point where the first died.
Aaand that worked out even better! Although I didn't put much thought into it, I got a Chilla-style plot in my head. Plus, the format itself is fresh and creative.
(I'll just wait for the creepiest night to make another run with a stronger vibe)
Looking forward to try out yr other works like Iron Valley, FooL and Roll for Novel!


rly fun, thank you!

Oh I LOVE how this came out!! Thank you for trying my game! πŸ’–


I did two runs on the same page with the same characters. I guess I have a question. Every one else commenting seems to have way more on their page, I think I'm missing something. Is there more to the rolling than just rolling 5 times, plus one for the variable in the ending? Either way I found it fun.

Thank you for checking out my game! πŸ’š
As for your question, there are a couple of elements. Some players write big, some write small. The paper size can also make it seem like it is more filled, when in reality it's just a smaller canvas space. There is also a bit of randomness. It's true that a standard ending could be gotten with 5-6 very lucky rolls, but that's not the luckiest roll there is. I've known at least one player who got 6-6-6 on the first try, effectively ending the game in 3 rolls. (that's a 1 in 216 chance, not quite shiny pokemon odds but still pretty rare πŸ˜…)


I think I may have confused myself more -_-.  WAIT I think I figured it out. For my own clarification, I roll a 4, do the 4 square. If my second roll is a different number, do that single number square. The next time I get a 4, I do 44, and so on and so forth. Is that correct? So I would have to roll five 4's to get the 4 column ending, but I am also continuing down the other columns as I roll those numbers. That makes so much more sense than what I was doing.  I should play this again and play correctly this time.
Thank you!


This is my first ever TTRPG (solo or otherwise) and this was very fun to play! I have big handwriting so I was worried that I might run out of space but luckily I did not. I played one run of One Page Left and One Page Holiday getting the 666 ending on the regular one and the Hallmark end on the other! Looking forward to other things made by you!

That's delightful! I'm happy you enjoyed my games~ thank you for giving solo rpg a try πŸ’š


this was my first solo RPG, and i LOVED it! this was so fun and creative, and time flew by! i survived a surprisingly long time as well :) thank you for this!


I love for comments like these!! Thank you so much for going out of your way to tell me you enjoyed my game. It really (really) means a lot 🀍

(1 edit) (+3)

I ended up playing this four times in a row because it's just too fun! It's my first foray into playing solo RPGs and the mechanics are fairly easy to understand, which I appreciate. I'll definitely recommend this to my friends!


Glad to hear it!! The world of solo RPGs is wonderful, I'm so happy to hear I made for a good introduction. Thank you so much for going out of your way to leave such a lovely message~ πŸ’–


Who did the art?!


Me! That's right. I'm a game designer, writer, and artist 😎

(1 edit) (+3)

I also found myself inspired. But this game is great - you really get the sense that something much larger than you is going on. Plus ensuring your personalized killer doesn't win in the end adds great tension. 

Keep making great games and stories, M. Kirin!


Your game really inspired me! I loved the system you used for multiple dice rolls to create a wide array of potential character traits, and the progressive story flow of the table. 

I've credited you and your table system in this new Solo-RPG game of my own that I've just released!

I would love to see an entire Jam dedicated to all the possibilities of your system! :D


OooOoh! This looks really cool! I gotta check it out~ 😎

(1 edit) (+3)

alright, hears mine, I actually managed to get an ending in my very first time, I escaped and ended up in a paded room, everything was something that my character made up in his head due not being able to get over the death of his wife

Taken with my shitty, busted phone camera for extra effect


awesome !

Thank you for sharing! Love the drawing of your villain in the bottom corner πŸ˜‰βœ¨

(1 edit) (+3)
It's the first time I've played something of this style, more or less, and although I couldn't use paper this time, next time it will be different.  I can't believe that I got 666 the first time, and to make things better, I also got the ending according to my lucky number...Even if I wasn't so lucky hahaha The truth is that it felt like a movie, and the playlist. ..ufff the playlist, what a good selection for God's sake!  Technically I used two pages... I'm guilty but it couldn't be any other way!  A scissors forced me!

Congrats on the win!! Thank you for sharing, I love reading through people's attempts. The music box containing the luck symbol is so good 😍

Deleted 255 days ago

"I'm Baby" is killing me!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

These are so good! Thank you so much for sharing πŸ’–


This was a lot of fun! I managed to survive to the end on the very first try, which I am hearing from friends is VERY DIFFICULT! 

It definitely inspires me to think of new ways to tell a story through Solo RPG formats. 


OH MY GOSH!! I love the details. The paper, the textures, the HAIR. You went all out and I am living for it 😍

Thank you so much for sharing!!


Would it be okay if you changed the game page's background color? It's just so bright *-*


This is my first time trying any rpg. I died immediately :'). Very very cool tho, and I love the atmosphere from the spotify playlist. Can't wait to try again and survive longer!

Thank you for trying my game! πŸ’–


Hello M. Kirin, greetings from Poland.

We played your game and we were deeply interested in translating it to polish language altogether with creating a fan-made content about it. And that's why I have two official business to ask you about:

1) Are you OK, if I translate your "One Page Left" to polish language and to publish it on
You'll of course get a polish copy of our translation, credits etc. and the polish translation will be available for free to anyone.

2) Are you OK, if I want to record a YouTube movie in polish language (as a fan-made content for polish TTRPG-players)? I do not earn money when I made TTRPG fan content and I have disabled all the monetization options on YouTube/Twitch etc.


Hi Elan!

First off, thank you so much for reaching out and asking before doing anything.

1) At this moment I am keeping translations in-house. Although I appreciate your offer I have to decline. That being said, you are allowed to translate the game for personal use but please do not put it on Itchio or any online storefront.

2) You are absolutely allowed to make content of you playing/talking about the game. That is OK πŸ‘

Thank you for your questions! If you have more please don't hesitate to ask on here or email me.


Much respect for answers, thanks :) 


Just finished my first play-through and I had a great time! What a great concept. I look forward to future play-throughs!


Technically the first solo rpg game I've played from start to finish and I must say I loved the experience! The spotify playlist did wonders and I was completely hooked by the prompts and the flow of the game. I think it works perfectly with very simple rules, using very inspiring questions and atmosphere, and mixing the constraints of a piece of paper against your own desire to keep writing/drawing. Can't wait to try the Holiday version of the game!

Here you have the result of my first game!

This is lovely! Thank so much for sharing πŸ’–

good game!


Hi there ! An interesting experience, with great prompts and a nice material at the end of the play. Thanks for this game !

I think I escaped (but in an open crate D:), here's my page without any good drawings !


I got eight roles before the killer jumped out and stabbed me, and it was a fun way to spend half an hour. I loved the premise of drawing/writing with specific prompts in a way that moves the game forward. I'm wondering, do you know any other games with similar structured doodling?

There are a lot of fun journaling rpgs (Artifact, 1000-Year Old Vampire), though not any that use doodling as far as I'm aware. One Page Left does have a sequel though (One Page Holiday!

Thanks, I just discovered the Indie RPG world so recommendations are always welcome. πŸ™‚


I have the feeling that all of us played this at a very late hour of the night when we were suposed to be sleeping XD. It was so fun I'm looking to play again... and maybe I'll play in the day haha

Being spooked is part of the fun~ 😈


Greetings from Finland! Had fun with my first game, it was pretty neck and neck (and neck) between endings 2, 4, and 5 but 4 won out since I ran out of my lucky stars (quite literally ahahaha).


Those drawings are cool. I got  the killer with a masquerade mask too.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ahahaha I actually got a killer with a cardboard mask, but a bit later there was a prompt with a ballroom full of people with masquerade masks which lead down to thinking that the killer stalking my character wants to be one of them which again proves how fun this game is, giving us a chance to come up with a story on the fly (also thanks for the compliment on my drawings those were fun to make also).

Yeah, it's cool how the prompts have little details that lead to more ideas. 

Whoa! Look at all those symbols of luck 😲

Thank you so much for giving my game a try πŸ€πŸ–€


And thank you for the fun game! *thumbs up*


first game. was fun, but only got 1 roll not counting customization lol.

also just a me thing but idk if I did the right thing for the overwrite words part

Really fun ! I did not survive very long : ( but that won't stop me from playing again : D !!

Just spend a whole night playing it over and over; what a nice christmas gift

Merry Christmas! πŸŽ…πŸ”ͺ


This is beautiful!! Gracias, Ranita! πŸΈπŸ’š


ok it’s 2AM and I am curious about the buzz. I guess it’s a bad idea to start in the dead of night… hrhrhrhr 


This was so much fun! I haven't written in a while, and the write about yourself and the killer got me into the writing spirit. I got a 666 on my first playthrough but fared better the second time. I only got sacrificed to an eldritch monstrosity! I love how page space plays into the story as well, making sure you're short and sweet with any ideas. So much fun!


Love to hear it! Thank you for the lovely comment πŸ§‘πŸ’›


I love the concept and the execution rules. These mechanics are simple to grasp and fun to play. Definitely love knowing the estimated play time (it took me about 40 minutes) and the suggested background music playlist (yayyy). I got 3 sixes pretty quick and wanted to spend more time with my killer and survivor, I'm attached now!! well, maybe I'll play a sequel movie.....

drawing scars was the only thing where I felt like I was guessing about what I was supposed to do. the examples on this page make it clearer though! definitely going to play this more.

I want to write expansion tables n alternate settings for me to play, like, as soon as it's not 2am. If I do, are you okay with me sharing them on my itch (+ any particular way you want this to be credited?) or is that the kind of thing you'd prefer to keep in house?


Glad you are having fun! Grats on getting the 6-6-6 luck ;)

As for making your own content, here's my quick-and-dirty guideline:

πŸ”² Credit and link back to me on the store page + in the book
πŸ”² Consider having your game be pay-what-you-want with no minimum (just like One Page Left)
πŸ”² PLEASE. Please. Do not include content that would make me look bad by association, for example One Page School Shooting or One Page Genocide may seem like "fun" ideas to some people but I really don't want me and my game associated with that!!

And have fun! If you need any help please feel free to hit me up. I'm pretty active on social media and my discord. Who knows, if I really like your concept I might even make some art~ πŸ˜‰


Thank you so much! Those are very easy guidelines to agree to. I'll let you know if I make something I like enough to publish!


I just finished playing my first game and WOW I had so much fun!  I was super tense the entire time, and I really love how my page turned out.  I've been eyeing the game for a while, after having it recommended on some of the top indie solo ttrpgs and I am not disappointed


So glad to hear that!! Thank you so much for giving my little game a try πŸ’›


This one was very fun!!! Found myself getting anxious the whole time to get away from the killer. I love how my page turned out. Will definitely play again


Such a blast ! I recommend to play it as soon as you can ! If you've never played a solo ttrpg (like me !) It's a wonderful place to start ! Have fun folks !

Thank you for the lovely message!! πŸŒΌπŸ’–


Amazing one-page TTRPG! I love how the game rules integrate with documenting your escape from the killer. As you play through, the paper takes on the suspenseful essence of a diary from a classic horror story. I also love the lucky number, as well as the mechanism where filling up the page marks the game's end. This creates a fantastic countdown survival element, effectively building tension.  

I truly enjoyed this. May I have the honor of translating it into Traditional Chinese? Many thanks!

I would love to see the result of this game played in traditional Chinese. I bet that would look amazing with the drawn out characters!


I've already played this five times and each time I end up with a completely different page-SO MUCH replayability! I love it, your game is awesome!


    I just finished playing this solo rpg. I don't usually play solo rpgs but the art and idea of surviving a killer was fantastic especially as a fan of RPG horror games. So when I played, I was surprised how really into the game I got, even though my character got sent to prison (yay for the Killer End).

This is all to say: I am definitely recommending this game to horror fans and RPG enjoyers on my Youtube channel. This deserves so much attention. Thank you Kirin for this game!


Thank you so much for this lovely message! πŸ˜ŒπŸ’–


In fact I made a video featuring your game. <3 Thank you for creating this awesome game on game jam.


OMG πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ’•

(1 edit) (+2)

First time playing a Solo-RPG and it was super fun. I went confident that I could get some of the nicer endings with the luck mechanic, and the game just told me to shut up and enjoy my last moments of sanity starring at a mirror.

I had a blast, will probably recommend it and re-play it very soon!


Thank you so much for going out of your way to leave this lovely message!! And thank you for giving my little game a try πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ’–


This freaking rocked, no matter what the end results looks so good

Thank you!! I'm happy you enjoyed my game πŸ’›πŸ’œ


This game is SO incredibly fun. The core mechanic of squeezing everything on one page to make some sort of environmental storytelling is one of the coolest things I've seen in a solo ttrpg. Each play through has been a delight and I highly recommend it <3


It looks cool, I'll try it soon.
Are you interested in a free translation to spanish? :)

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